The Gift Of Giving


Dear Skyrah and Ava,

I love looking at you. I love when we give each other loving eyes. Everyday I tell you "I'm so happy to see you!" I see the real you. I will accept you for who you are and choose to be.

That is why for Christmas this year and for all of your life, I want to freely give you some gifts that are free yet very valuable. They are worth so much that they are priceless and you cannot put a price tag on them. In fact, you already have those gifts inside of you. Gifts of giving. I want you to use those gifts to grow the good in you so you can have a good life.

These gifts will give you POWER. The power to succeed in your life. The power to make someone else happy. The power to change the world. Super powers that you can connect to because you are connected to yourself.

Knowing who you are and what you want is powerful. It begins with the gift of TRUTH. I will give you information. I will not mess with your inner compass of truth. I will give it to you straight up. Not sugar coat stuff with bullshit or white lies. For example, I will tell you wonderful stories about Santa Claus, the Easter bunny and many other magical tales. But I will not lie to make you believe the make believe is real. Like a magic show, we all know magicians are masters of illusions. The magic is in the sense of wonder at the amazing performance and wondering how they pulled it off despite knowing it is not real. The magic is in being let in to the fact it Is all an illusion. The magic is in allowing you to imagine and pretend. When you know it is a trick, you are in on the secret so we can have fun together. Being tricked, on the other hand, is never fun for anyone. Being told something not true is real is not magic. It’s a lie. So I promise to always be honest and tell you the truth in all things, if the truth will help you grow. I will give you my word. I will keep my word. When you can trust what you know to be true, you can also trust the truth in you to become more you. If you can trust what you believe is real, it will make it easier for you to also believe in yourself. And grow into the real you. Someone who is honest and has integrity. When you deal truthfully with others, you have better relationships, feel better about yourself and enjoy your life so much more.

I wish for you the gift of HOPE. Hope for today. Hope for a better future. The gift of imagination. The stuff that dreams are made of.

I give you PEACE. Peace of mind. Peace in your heart. To be who you are. Your life’s journey is to find out why you are and how you are through all of life’s blessings and challenges. Life will work better for you if you listen to your inner compass. I wish for you to have a moral compass which helps you do the right thing even when it isn’t always easy to do the right thing. And when you make peace with who you are, you will know how to spark your own joy.

Then there is the gift of JOY. It is not the same as being merry. It’s more than just a feeling of being happy. Happiness is an emotion based on external circumstances, sparked by things, thoughts, events, places or other people. Joy is a spark you have inside of you. Joy is a choice to be grateful about what you have to be able to be content no matter whether things are good or bad. In fact, When life gets difficult, joy will help you find the beauty in everything you see and everyone you meet. And allow you to find the fun that makes the darkness light. Joy helps you make life beautiful, even when it’s not.

I give you my LOVE. It is here in my heart for you. Unconditionally. Whether you are naughty or nice. Even when you make me mad or sad. Even though we may have our ups and downs in life, my love for you will only grow and never go. No matter what, I will always love you. And it is my wish we will grow the compassion in our hearts together by giving kindness generously to everyone in our daily lives. This way, we don’t need to wait for Christmas for it to feel like Christmas. Christmas doesn't have to be celebrated on one day. We can spread Christmas cheer throughout the year!

I give you ME. All of me. Besides giving presents, I will be present. I give you my time. I want to hang out, play and create good fun times with you. I know things are fun to have, but they don’t last. A collection of good experiences become good memories you can keep forever, and money can’t buy that.

The best gifts are tied up with love. So to wrap it up, I give you lotsa HUGS AND KISSES!




Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful


Respond Gently Not React Angrily