Love Is Infinity


Dear skyrah and Ava,

There is nothing wrong with you.

I know there are days you feel bad because I get mad at you and yell.

I’ve said it then, and I’ll say it again.

I also make mistakes. I could have approached it different. I got frustrated. I lost control. I am sorry.

I am sorry if I wasn’t kind to you because I did not know how to be kind to myself, and others were not kind to me. 

I wish someone had told me this long before today. But know I know to tell it to myself. As I am telling it to you. 

If people, life, get unkind, and you feel the sting, don’t get hung up on it. Don’t let it get to you, don’t let it get you so down that you stay down. 

Instead get up. 

Get kind. 

I want you to be kind to your self, to honour who you are, and to do the same for others because you show yourself the same respect first. 

You have always just been you.

Ever since the day you were born.

You are the best at being you.

I want you to keep growing into your best self.

And if you forget who you are along the way, or if you stumble or if even if I trip you up, I still see you.

I’ll help you understand what your self is, who your self is, so you are self aware, so you know your self, so you celebrate you.

I’ll help you understand it by letting you be you, by celebrating you every day, by guiding you to your best interest when you are not able to make that best decision for yourself, by setting limits, by allowing you to do your own work.

I hope you will always enjoy you in the times we play, in the little things we do in our day to day.

I’ll cheer you on during your gains.

I’ll hug you through your pains. 

When life makes you feel disconnected to who you are, just know You are born connected to who you are, a free spirit of love. 

So choose love over anger. Always choose love.

Love yourself enough to set it up so others surrounding you love you because you are enough.

The world will try to teach you to be anything other than who you are.

The world will tell you to look outside to measure your value, to only see a superficial standard of beauty with your eyes, 

Don’t listen to the noise of the world. 

Listen to the quiet voice inside of you.

Your worth cannot be measured by grades, by money, by how little you weigh, by what others think of you, by how many likes you get on social media, by anything you have outside of you. 

You are worth so much more than that.

You are worth everything because of everything you have inside of you. Your light and dark. Your joys and pain. 

And you cannot measure your worth if you have love, as love has no limits. 

You are love.

You are my love.

Love you to infinity.




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