Be Good Be Loud


When you have nothing nice to say, it is best to not speak at all. That’s what my mom told me when I was a kid. Silence is golden. But sometimes, silence is not a strength. When silence makes you a silent bystander and an inactive enabler to the terrible things that happen in your path, it is no longer acceptable to sit quiet.

When you see stuff that is going on around you that isn’t nice, it would be best to speak out against it, good and loud. Even more so because there is nothing nice to say about it. It is not best to not speak at all. It would be best to speak about stuff that needs to be said.

You don’t have to raise your voice when you raise the points that need to be brought to light. But you do have to stand up and speak up for what is right. You shouldn’t be a bully about it. You most definitely shouldn’t be silent. Stand up and speak up against the people who need to be held accountable for the injustices of the world caused by them. Even if no one else will. You can step out of the shadows and send a floodlight of truth and hope to shine decency and compassion into the world. Because it is never wrong to do what is right.

When you look around and feel overwhelmed by all that is not right in the world, it may seem the darkness is winning. You may feel powerless to stop what is unfolding, you may despair. Take heart, you are not alone.

There is a time to hold your peace, and there is a time to bring about peace. Be the voice that inspires others to add their voices and collectively unite people to take action to bring about a positive change. Don’t wait for the good people. You are the good people. Your voice matters.

In the dark days of chaos, it is not enough to be good. You must be both good and loud. Be a voice, not an echo. Be the voice of reason. Speak justice, speak equality, speak unity. Be so loud you drown out the noise of violence, hatred and fear. Wield love like a sword piercing straight through the heart of darkness. Go in love. There is always victory in love.


The Problem Is Not The Problem


What If