Be A Lady

It seems we live in a man’s world. 

But it is not. 

Women exist in it too. 

Yet we live in a world where women seem to exist for the purpose of pleasing what men want. We live in a world where it seems that it doesn’t matter what women want, women need to just take what they can get. And what women get is confused. Because damned if we do, and damned if we don’t.

We live in a world where everything is expected of women but they are expected to be nothing. We live in a world where women are fighting to get equal pay for equal work. We live in a world where women are being told how they should be and what they can and cannot do and that their place is in the home, the kitchen, the bedroom. Even as women try to climb up the corporate ladder and assert themselves in the boardroom. We live in a world where women are fighting to be seen and heard. Not just by men too. Women are just as guilty of upholding the same limiting ideas that are meant to keep women in their place. We live in a world where women are fighting each other, judging each other, tearing each other down. 

When will we stop hurting each other?

When will we stop hurting ourselves?

When will we stop making this problem the responsibility of just the women, and do a shift to asking the men to take responsibility too?

It is not a man vs woman world. We live in a world that we all live in. And yes, there are differences between the different genders that do not make us biologically equal, but are we all not born to equally live and walk a path of our own choosing?

To all the women out there. And to all the men. And to all the other genders in between, all the theys and thems. This applies to us all. We should not have to be put in our place. We should not have to fight the good fight. It is our given birth right.

We live in a world where we do have a voice to be proud and be loud. We live in a world where we have ears to hear others and listen to their needs. We live in a world where we have hands to make things happen. We live in a world where we can stand on our two feet to support ourselves and go places. We live in a world where we have strong shoulders to lift each other up. And a backbone to get each other’s backs. We live in a world where we can set ourselves free so we are free to help each other

We don’t need to wait for that world to come to us. We can create that world together. We live in a world where a woman can be a lady. We need to act on it, not put on an act. It is ok to be confused at the start if you don’t know who you want to be. But as we go along, we just have to redefine our definition of what it means to be a lady. And let that reframe our reality. Then make that a reality in the world. 

So let’s be clear. We do not need to be told how to be a lady. But if you are unsure or if you have forgotten, ask the girl in you what she would do. All your dreams, your beliefs, your pure joy that you can do anything be anyone, before someone told you otherwise. She will help you remember.


See Beyond Your Selfies


Surround Yourself With Love